
Sunday, April 5, 2015

Marathon Day

*(1 missing! haha~ actually she doesn't like to take pic so she helped us to take

This is what happens when we sense camera XD
6 of us went to MITC for something like marathon (actually it's because of the KOKU MARKS!)
Although it's called running but in fact me and my friend at the back there called walking 
Most of them were running
When I see them running, I thought they really want to run
but.... at the end of the road, I knew that they are running because they were hungry = =
McDonald's makes them run more lively 
HAHA...I'm kinda know that kind of feeling

*(the power of OPPO ^_^ my note 2's camera not so clear T.T)

OMG! I seriously falling in love with her OPPO smartphone
I want this kind of camera! Someone buy for me buy! XP
We were waiting for our friend to go McDonald's but the girl next to me can't wait anymore so she chooses to go there by walking (she is very hungry...hahaXD)
But no matter how much she eats, she will never get fat!
When I think of it, I feel like wanna beat her up

My friend automatically lend me her OPPO smartphone when I tell her my camera not clear
So, this is the result 

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