
Tuesday, December 29, 2015


I think I like my life now
I believe my dreams will come true
I just believe it 
I'm working on it
I want to make it come true
I have said these words so many times
Now I am also doing the things I like to do
Its kinda funny
because one of the things I like to do is working at a small shopping centre
I am slowly improving myself
I believe I could achieve my real target one day
I believe the day will come very soon
Some people maybe think that I am idiot or naive
But for me
I am glad that I am myself
I am glad that I am alive
I am glad that I am living in this world

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


That's my dream
I'm not baking doesn't mean that I don't like to bake anymore
Actually I just want to bake the sweets I wanted to bake
Not because of people asks me to bake it by following their instructions
If they want me to bake for them maybe I will do it in future
For now I just want to bake freely with no one care
I want to bake by following my heart
Bake anything I want
I love this dream more than anyone else this life I couldn't make it
I will definitely make this dream come true in my next life
Why is it so difficult?
I'm so tired yet I don't want to let go
I feel really really really tired
It was like I need to sleeps for thousand years and take a long holiday
Maybe this is what they called thorny road

Sunday, November 15, 2015


I believe in myself
I could do it
Just like when I am baking a cake
I just need to memorize the cake recipe and change it into another flavour
The most important thing to put in is your heart
For me,
I believe that believing and hardwork also can make the sweets I create become more delicious
The situation is the same as now
As long I keep believing and put an effort 
The results will show everything that you put into it
Someday I will definitely suprise you guys with the sweets I created
Definitely will...
I believe in myself even it takes 1 year or 10 years or 100 years
I love my dreams 
I believe my love towards my dreams will not lose to anyone
It's have dreams......😊

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


On this thorny road
I once confused
But I still choose to believe in myself
It had became interesting
This dream has lead me to the wonderful path
The path that I have no regret
Be confident
Be yourself
Your dream
I wanna to fly high 
Until I can't see the ground
as long I am here
Nothing to be afraid of
My dream had always protected me
it gives me courage to be myself
I want to believe
Even if I lose this dream
I will still believe in my dream
Because it is part of my life
my life
my dream
my everything

Sunday, October 18, 2015


My exams are coming very soon
I think I can do it
I don't know why but I feel like I want to do it
I don't want to lose any of it
No matter my dreams or academic
I want both of them to be succeed
I definitely can do it! ^^
Although I still don't know why I must pass my exam
But I believe it will be useful someday
Maybe it will help to make my dreams come true
Ganbatte! Celine Lim!
Someday you will definitely meet him in person
I promise
No matter what happened 
I will make you meet him
15 days to go before the exam!
I will make it
I want to prove that I had grown up
I can do whatever I dreamed to do
I will make it come true!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Everyone has a dream living in their heart
I always believe that all people have their own dream
No matter what it is
They definitely have the right to chase after it
If only dreams are easy to catch
I don't know what might be happens in my future
But I can tell that my dreams are definitely will come true
Although I need to sacrifice this life
I definitely want to make it come true
Because I feel that this is one of the meaning of my life
If one of my dreams couldn't come true 
My world would become meaningless 
All the way I live in this world will be nothing to me
Dreams are too important for me
I need it to keep living
If only my parents could understand me
But they don't...
I never thought that they will understand me
Especially mom
Why did she thinks my dreams are useless?
Why can't she supports me just the other mom did?
Why she never think by standing in my place?
Why? Why? Why?
I just need a little support... 
Then she will know how strong am I with these dreams
But she didn't even care about what I really want
She may be a good mother to other people
I'm sorry to say that
But not me... she failed since from the start

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Starting from today
I have another 1 month and 8 days to go before my exam starts
Actually I really worried about it
I always thinking that what if I failed?
What if I can't do it?
When I started to ask myself, I look back to the past again
I realized the only thing I need is courage
If I have the courage, I could do anything I want 
That is what I do when I'm taking my SPM exam
I wish I have the courage once again
The courage makes me feel strong
And I wish to be strong again
I'm going to do it again for this time
Everything gonna be okay
I promise
Be yourself and have courage with yourself
Because that is the real you

Saturday, August 15, 2015


Friends are AWESOME!
I never regret for knowing you guys
I'm glad that I'm in this class
I really love you guys
I don't want to be apart from you all
I hope that we can stay like this forever
I will never regret for choosing this class
This memory will be always stay deep inside my heart

When I'm with you guys
I can be myself
My true self
I don't know why but I feel comfortable when you guys are beside me
It was the same feelings when I'm with my family
Really really really warm and nice
I like it a lot
Please always stay like this even after we graduate
Thank you.

A night to remember! 

Saturday, August 8, 2015


Life is short
No matter what we do
It never gets longer
When something happened to hurt you
The only thing you need to do is accept it
Just accept it with a smile
Because no matter how much you hated it
It still a part of your life 
"Just smile and it won't be hurt"
When it hurts
It's okay for you to cry
Just cry a long as you want to release the sadness
But make sure you cry when you are alone
That's how I cried all these years
The sadness should have been released
No matter how hard life would be
No matter how hurt life would be
No matter how sad life would be
At the end 
It will turn into a happy life
Because you are able return to the side of the one you love again

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


I need to be strong 
In order to fulfill my dreams
My dreams are the only things that can make me feel strong
I have a lot dreams 
I want to make them come true slowly step by step
I live for the things I want to do
Everyday no matter where am I 
I will definitely lift up my face 
Look to the sky and take a deep breath
That time I will always say to myself
"This world is so beautiful, I'm glad that I'm born into this beautiful world"
I feel like my world has stopped somewhere
How I wish I could live in this world forever
I feel like want to protect this world
No matter what happened I will be always love this world
I'm really happy that I'm born into this world
No matter how difficult life would be
There is definitely has a solution
I'm sure of it
Just a bit more
I'm sure I will be able to catch my dreams
Because my dreams are waiting for me in the future
That's why "Everything gonna be just fine"

Monday, July 6, 2015


Yes! I'm strong!
No things will beat me
I'm myself
I have my own role that I need to play
My character is always exist no matter how
Even after I'm no longer in this world
My existance will be always stay in this world
There must be have things that only myself can do
That's why I'm here
Born into this world, this family, this life
I'm sure my existance is needed
The only person that can save me is myself
No matter what happens
I will not give up
Not easily to give up the things I want 
That's me!
I need to think positively no matter what
Because that is the only chance for me to keep on moving 
This is the 18 years old me
I'm strong!

Monday, June 15, 2015


Tomorrow is the first day of my last term of Form 6
Time really does flies
It feels like I just entered Form 6 yesterday
Now it almost come to the end
I am going to miss my Form 6 life and my friends
Well, time doesn't wait for us
I will treasure this last term 
Another 5 months then it's over
Actually I kind of excited for this term to end
Because after this term
I can make my sweets all the time at home 
When I recall back at the time I lost my dream
Back then
It really hurts a lot ( ´・‿・`)
The feeling was the same as I lost my love ones
That time 
I felt like I'm losing my life force
I was thinking
"What I am going to do after this? Does this life still meant to me? I don't want this kind of life."
Then I started to cry again
Even after I entered Form 6
At that moment
I don't want to study Form 6 
That's why I took the class that can make me fail in my study
In order to bake again
But I don't know since when I started to study
And now I still can bake do I? (✿◡‿◡)
I can still remember the warm feeling when I am baking 
That is the most happiest moment in my life
At last I still can't let go this dream (。◕ ∀ ◕。)

Thursday, June 11, 2015


Here is it!
My Opera cake~! <3
For the second attempt

Finally I can bake a nice sweet
I was really happy when the cake turns out really nice ^^
For the first time in my life
By my own hands
I bake such a cake

I always see people reaction after they ate my cake
If they were happy I also will be happy
I wish I could bake a nice sweets like this again in future
I need to learn more and more basic by now
So I can be a patissiere by my own
My dream...
Is it getting near to me?
Well, at least there is not much distance between my dream
Trust in Your Heart! 
You definitely can be what you want to be!


A trip to Johor with koko and titi

Koko begs me to accompany him to Johor
Because he thought just his mom and aunty are going
So, Okay I accompany him
Who knows 
After he fetched me
Titi and his father also going with us
hahaha... XD
On the road
Inside the car could never be quiet XD
They are talking all the time even after reached there
First station,
We go to Batu Pahat to buy fishes at the market 
*while we waiting for their parents and auntie buy fishes at the market

Second station,
Eat our lunch at the restaurant near the sea
 *I can feel the wind breeze so fresh! Really love this kind of place

Third station,
Back to Muar to buy otak-otak and I bought the frozen otak so that I can eat slowly XD
*I just grilled it yesterday night hahaXD It was so delicious! I can eat more and more!

Fourth station,
We eat the foods that we bought at the seaside 
*We also stopped at the stall to eat their ABC and rojak. I don't like the ABC but the rojak is SAIKOU! (nice)

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Just one more time
Let me trust myself 
Once again
I want to find out back then feelings
Just one more time
Let me dream again
I want to be the long lost myself again
Could you be my strength again?
I don't know what will happen 
But I really want to try it again
From now on
I don't want to forget the dream again
Although it might stays deep inside my heart
I believe
Someday it will be awaken again
That's why I want to try until it awaken

Saturday, May 23, 2015


Good Bye to My Term 2 Form 6! ^.^
Exam finished!
School Out Scream Shout!

Today story
I went out with my friends ^^
Because we completed our Term 2 
And the next one is our last Term
I hope that I'm doing well in my exam O.O

 *smile smile 
I really love you guys!!!
I'm glad that I'm in this class
I'm glad that I met you guys
I don't why but I feel like I can be myself when I'm with you guys
This is the most happiest thing in my school life!
 *this is just a pose XD I didn't hit any ball 

Yes! This is my own photographer!Photobucket
hahaXD very nice huh~
We went to play pool~ but before that we go Windmill to eat our lunch first
It was my first attempt!^_^
I thought it was hard but after several time I play 
It was easy and fun!
Love it!

*I think I sang too much songs >.<
My throat very dry back then

One big family! <3
This is what happens after strangers become a family
I hope we can still hang out after we graduate
You guys are the precious one for me!
Thank You for Everything!
Thank You for letting me be your friend
Thank You for staying in the same class with me
Thank You for always helping me
 Thank God I able to met you guys!!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


I'm all fired up now!
Stupid Math T! 
You think you can beat me down huh?
Let me tell you one thing
You are suck!
I definitely will defeat you!
I hate you!
In many kinds of subject you are the most get me irritated
Stupid questions!
That's all you can do?
Just wait and see next time
I won't let you get away with this
Lousy subject!😠😠😠😠😡😡😡😬

Thursday, May 14, 2015


This is my reaction when I walk out from the exam hall
I didn't finish the questions
I really wished that I have improvement and I don't to get the same result as last time
Please let me pass this time
I need to pass
And after I got back home
I kept blaming myself
What if I fail?
Do I have to retake again?
I already had my Semester 1 retake 
I don't want to add any burden again
I'm not greedy but at least please let me have a better result this time
If I get a better result this time, I promise I will give my effort even after this Semester 2
After this exam finish, I will have the last Semester and it will be my final year
I need to get more better if not I definitely couldn't meet him

Sunday, May 10, 2015


Yes! All are here!
How I wish I could stop the time ^_^

*(wow! look at the giant cactus!)

We are in the cactus garden but not all of it are cactus
They do have a lot of beautiful flowers that I can't bring home T.T
How sad...

This is what I called life~
My life just isn't complete without these sweets
I enjoy tea time like this
Love the feelings

Magic doors!
Haha~ just kidding!
I was thinking back time
How nice if the doors can bring me to the different world
It's definitely would be fun!

The sweetness and freshness!
Oh I can eat more~
But the chocolate sauce don't suit my taste
Looks delicious right?
Too bad I couldn't take them home because we need to ride car for 4 hours and the strawberries couldn't stand of the heat
All though shopping mall here had it but they are too expensive

When we are on the way home
We saw a rainbow
It feels like our trip has ended happily
I see the rainbow and think, how nice if everyday in my life could ended happily like this
Thank You for giving me these memories ^.^
I felt so happy!

Saturday, April 25, 2015


Another 3 weeks to go
Can I do it?
Really hard to do it
What if I can't make it?
My future...
What is the reason for me to study?
Once again
I feel like don't know what to do in my life
The now me has no dream
nothing, but wishes
How I wish I could just stop the time
and let the time stops forever
If I have the power
My life would be better

Friday, April 17, 2015


Study, study, study and study
Looks like I can't get rid off the word
Yesterday can be my most historical moment in my life
I used my sleep time to do PA's graph until dawn yet still haven't finish
OMG! I completely lack of sleep ( give me back my nap time!)
I am starting to hate graph! T.T
14 graphs man!
How can a normal person done it only in 1 day?!
Yup, I am a normal person that's why I couldn't complete it
Exam is around the corner and I still have a lot works haven't do
How am I gonna take exam like this?
I don't want to repeat my sem 2 papers T.T
No no no~ think positive!!!
After this year, I going to be free! for only 9 months
only few months to go
You can do it! GANBATTE! ^^

Monday, April 6, 2015

Monday "Blue"

  *(my sis treats me the Starbucks so hmm....)

First round Starbucks! 
Second round Sushi King!
Today I ate too much calories and felt so full all the day
Fat Fat again T_T
NO!!! Diet starts from now on! no more food! 


See these sushi?
They are calling for me to eat them
how can I ever resist?!
In the end, I ate 9 plates of them and cost me RM 47.05 

The twins said this is their first time eat Sushi King
O.O kinda hard to believe

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Marathon Day

*(1 missing! haha~ actually she doesn't like to take pic so she helped us to take

This is what happens when we sense camera XD
6 of us went to MITC for something like marathon (actually it's because of the KOKU MARKS!)
Although it's called running but in fact me and my friend at the back there called walking 
Most of them were running
When I see them running, I thought they really want to run
but.... at the end of the road, I knew that they are running because they were hungry = =
McDonald's makes them run more lively 
HAHA...I'm kinda know that kind of feeling

*(the power of OPPO ^_^ my note 2's camera not so clear T.T)

OMG! I seriously falling in love with her OPPO smartphone
I want this kind of camera! Someone buy for me buy! XP
We were waiting for our friend to go McDonald's but the girl next to me can't wait anymore so she chooses to go there by walking (she is very hungry...hahaXD)
But no matter how much she eats, she will never get fat!
When I think of it, I feel like wanna beat her up

My friend automatically lend me her OPPO smartphone when I tell her my camera not clear
So, this is the result 

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Little Dream

For now
I won't be thinking too much 
Previous dream already became past
I wish I could just live my peaceful life 
I will complete my studies until I get a job
I 'm going to travel around the world 
Sometimes I need to think what I want to do in my life
So that my effort won't disappear 
Maybe living a normal life is the best for me
It sounds lonely doesn't it
But being alone is not bad too
At least I won't create any problem with people
Life is short, that's why I should do the things I like
I have just a small little dream
Maybe it won't be any problem to make it happens 
I don't want to waste my life by giving myself stress
Sometimes when I look up to the sky 
I feel like I have something to do in my life
I need this life to be more interesting 
So that I can prove that I live once in this world

Saturday, February 14, 2015


I was thinking
Wouldn't it be better if this life full of joyness and love
Why should God put in sadness in our heart?
Although we can be happy forever without sadness
Why sometimes we need to turn an easy thing to complicated?
If I am God
I definetely make the people have only happiness in their heart
Isn't God who is the one created those feelings
Just a simple feeling can make this life more lively
Without worrying anything

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


朝で携帯電話が見れば, バッテリーがただ39%だけ
本当に! なぜ何時もこんなに?! 世界で一番大嫌いなことだ!
その気持ちが持ってる何て, すごく辛かった

Sunday, January 11, 2015


As I thought
Love is easier for me to have than hate
Everytime when I start to hate a person
It ended with love again
Although sometimes
They think that I am a troublesome and just using me
I start to think again
"Ahh...They are using me."
It means they need me right
That time I was a little bit happy
Somebody maybe think that I am stupid
But I feel that I'm wanted and valuelable
I really love this world
The people I met
The feelings I had
I will never regret for meeting them

Saturday, January 10, 2015


I don't know why
I feel that something really BIG going to happen after this
Or maybe I think too much
Magic, fantasy don't really happen in this world
They only happen in our illusions
But I still waiting something to happen in my life
Although I don't know what is it
But I know if it happened
It will be very great
That's why
I'll be waiting from now on
Because it is just the matter of time